wahoo.. electricity! (it’s the little things!)

Hey to my faithful readers.. we had a moment of electricity where it just so happens the electricity is on, the internet is actually working and no one is using leah’s computer.. so glory I had a few minutes to type a quick little note and I am hoping to put up some pictures from the village! keeping my fingers crossed!
I hope that you are all doing well. I am doing great. It’s been so amazing to be back here as we were only gone three weeks but I really feel like we were missed. It’s great to walk down the street and the shopkeepers and kids and neighbors all stop to talk and tell us how glad that they are glad that we are back.
I am telling you God is so good. He is at work in my heart. He has put an even newer spring in my step as I realize that He is the only thing that can satisfy my soul. While in the village I really meditated and memorized psalms 63 and I would encourage you all to do the same. Maybe it was the part in that talked about my soul being satisfied as with rich and fat foods that drew me to it when I was eating rice and lentils everyday. But Iam learning about soul satisfaction. What is my soul finding it’s satisfaction in. When it is in God, when my soul clings to him.. I can overflow with joy in praise. hehehe.. lately God has been reminding me not to find my satisfaction in things.. they are thinking around here that i have some sort of weird magnetic energy because lately everything I have touched has broken.. literally! can I just tell you how much I love my Jesus and how much more he is loving on me everday. Sometimes I wonder if he brouhgt me all the way across the world just to make sure I knew.. no matter what, that he loved me and he longed for me to find my soul satisfaction in him alone! you see I left an amazing family in america (the best.. i love you guys), an incredible church family, a loving body of christ to jump into the unknown because I heard God say Go… I miss those things and people alot, but can I find soul satisfaction here.. YES!! because God promises me that! and not only soul satisfaction but true joy and peace. I am reminded as I walk by and see all the people doing puja to these angry looking idol gods.. wow.. I serve a God of love who called me by name! mahima..
ok.. sorry i don’t why I am preaching so much tonight. anyways– this week has been good. My team leader and his wife are back which is so exciting because now I get to be auntie jenn to their 3 cute adorable little kids (they live in the flat above us so i see them all the time).. and it’s just good to have them here and begin working as a team! I am excited about what God has in store.
so tommorow I am going to eat at my nepalee ama and ba( mom and dad’s) house that own the store right by my house. I long so much to not just eat with them tonight, but to banquet with them in heaven. Please pray for them as we continue to share our lives and our Jesus with them.
Also Wednesday night starts back my ladies discipleship group which I am very excited about! Then thursday to another nepalees house for some more rice and lentils (just in case I was missing it) so just pray for God to continue to ordain my steps this week, order my path and organize my days around what he has for me this week (that was a baptist sermon right there.. 3 points and alliterated).
ok.. by the way .. a few thankyou’s need to be given: (it’s like the oscars)
Tj.. i am thrilled about your book.. wahoo. I love love love it and it touched my heart so much
Sandra: you are incredible. Leah and I had a blast opening that beuatiful package and we now look like princesses and smell like princesses .. (thank you for thinking of Leah also.. you are amazing)
Heather and Pat: i love you guys and miss you so much. What an amazing package
. Thank you so much
Stephanie.. great job. After living in south asia you really know what to give some girls
James: wow.. you did amazing on knowing what to get me.. how that ministered to my heart.. especially the blueberry creamer and the beth moore dvd.. mahima
and to my precious mama.. i think they might regret you sending me this warm outfit because i may never take it off .. i loved everything in your package.. i’ve already eaten two of the muffin packages
and debbie sapp.. i loved it.. thanks so much for everything.. especially the earrings.. i cannot believe you remembered.
jenn…oh..you have never looked more beautiful than in those pics. I would never know you hadn’t had a shower in three weeks. You are gorgeous! I am so glad you got the ladies from Westview’s packages. they will be so excited to hear that you loved them. I better be hearing from you soon my dearie…you know what I mean…I need to ask you some sis questions:))…I miss you so much my best half!(I told someone the other day you were my other half…todd didn’t even flinch. He knows it is true. Ilove you…Keep on preaching. It inspires me. I want some of that soul satisfaction
I love the pictures, especially the one of you in the field of flowers. Now I know why you kept hearing the theme song to Little House on the Prairie while you were in the village. You certainly look like a person whose soul is satisfied! Wow, your words really inspired me to seek Him in a deeper way.
Not only are you getting a new revelation of how much the Lord loves you, but also a new insight into how much the people in Nepal and your friends and family from home love you as well. That’s enough to keep you heart warm even when you have no electricity and the rest of your body is cold!
Love you bunches,
I know it is cheezy, but have I told you are not only my best friend but my hero! I know I stole the hero thing from wind beneath my wings song, but it is so true! I love your pictures are you sure you haven’t taken a shower in three weeks, because you look fantastic! Glad you liked the book, now when are going to write your own? I hope you keep a hardbound journal too. If you don’t let me know, I’ll send you one. I figure you do, because you are the queen of journals. I got an e-mail from Nathan the other day. Still praying about your computer. I know it is so hard on you. I love you lots! I want more of the Jesus you are prasing!
Could you please tell me the name of the little short lady in the bottom picture? For some reason, I began to cry when I saw her. I would love to pray for her specifically if you could send me her name and let me know exactly what her needs are.
Love you,