neya carpet (new carpet), and discipleship in the dark

hello hello. Hope you all are having a fabulous week. Mine has been great. Still continues to be a bit busy with trying to get things done with our house. It’s quite nice as you can see in the heading.. we got new carpet today. I am quite excited because the stone floors were very cold. I am not a cold natured person.. but it’s frankly quite jarro (cold) here.. in fact right now i have on 2 pairs of socks (one really cute multi colored wool pair knitted by some cute nepalees), 3 long sleeve shirts and thermal underware.. (thanks sandra).. and i can still see my breath. But the new carpet is helping warm it up a bit, so i just wanted to praise God for that. And praise God for the fact that i got a hot shower today.. i avoid showers as long as possible because they tend to be really chesso (cold). I shouted glory the whole time I showered. oh yeah and before i forget.. the top picture is of my best friend here sita that i meet with everyday and we go through a book of the bible in nepalee).. i gave her those big sunglasses and she felt like quite the star.. it was so cute. The second picture is of me in my newly painted dining room among the incredible boxes of gifts for our gifts at christmas (thank you soo much Denise and your co-workers), and the other picture is of my discipleship group.
We had such an incredible discipleship group tongiht. We always have to meet by candlelight because it is one of our nights for no electricity. But we just have a grand old time. Tonight I was most excitied because one of our girls brought a Hindu friend, and by the end she said that she was very interested in being a christian. So just pray for her.
ok.. just wanted to give you that little update. I would write more… but i just wrote my prayer letter so I don’t want to repeat it all. if you do not get an e-mail copy of my prayer letter, please e-mail and let me know and I will send one to you.
i love you all
jenn. i love love love the pics. Also, I updated my blog just today, so check it out. Love you
Jenn I cried when I read your prayer letter. You are an amazing writer! I believe you will write a book some day! My heart overflowed with praise as I read your letter! I’m glad you got the long underwear Sandra sent! She really needs our prayers right now, as I know she has additional pain from surgery. Btw I’ll send you Bryan Howell’s new e-mail address as I know he will want to get your P Letter. I am thrilled you have new carpet, and God is providing new friends 4 you there! I love you! Thanks for the amazing pictures!
I hope you are well. I am sick with a cold, or something. Also my grandad died tonight, so we will be leaving to go to Macon Sunday. I’ll write when we come back if we don’t talk tomoorow!
Love you1
where are you Beautiful