Just wanted to add some more pictures

Hey guys– I am just going to try to add some more pictures to my blog so you can look some more at my life lately. So I had a great day. And now I am sitting here with my cute borrowed dog (it’s nathan’s dog but he is back in america now so I get to watch her for a while ) She’s currently licking my face. I guess that she got over being a donkey yesterday in our sporadic christmas play. And TJ the cute little “keeper” that you gave me is sitting beside asha. My nepalee friends that came over liked her alot! 🙂 oh yeah– and about the cane TJ.. it was just for photo effect.. i wanted people to think that I had really been trecking– when in fact we took a taxi to the top of the mountain 🙂
So tonight we just had an awesome “bideshi” fellowship. I just feel so blessed as we were sitting around the dark (it was load share night, so Bible study by candlelight).. we have this fellowship each week with different people that are here serving God that are around my age.. usually every week we have a leader and we go through a book of the Bible and we move to different houses every week. It reminds me alot of the early church in the book of Acts. So we forgot to appoint a leader for this week.. so we were just having worship and then an incredible spontaneous prayer time broke out.. it’s so cool to be with people whose hearts are broken over the same things. I am praying God breaks my heart more and more for the people here. so anyways– i was just really blessed by our fellowship tonight and realized how cool that God does set the lonely in families as he promises. Since I first moved here there were defionatly some lonely moments.. but God has been so faithful to set me in a family.
So before Bideshi fellowship we had our second play practice for this play that i wrote and am now directing. It is quite quite a hilarous experience.. but I am loving it. It’s really pure chaos.. but fun chaos..and it truly reminds me the reason for the season.
ok.. one more random thing.. i feel like this blog is very random.. oh well.. i got a ring made this week. I have really been focusing on Jesus as my husband.. and there are no husbands anywhere to be found here in nepal ( or at least right now).. so I wanted something to remind me that I am his BRIDE .. and I walk everywhere I go with the groom by my side. So I had a silver ring made… but guess what I had them inscribe on it in nepalee script.. MAHIMA!…. how fun is that.. so now i have a ring that says glory every time i look at it!
ok.. so it is not wanting to let me post more pictures.. but i will keep posting througout the week. Can i just say how much I love you guys. you are such a blessing to me
thanks for commenting and keeping me encouraging to keep writing,even if i do ramble sometimes.. like tonight
Hey girl! Wonderful entry! I am a bit short on time right now, but I’ll post later. Thanks for sharing the pics! Great to see your face! I want to spend some time with the Lord before the service tonight. I’ll comment more later!
I love seeing pictures of my beautiful girl.I am glad you got away to such a gorgeous place.God wanted to show you some of His work.It was a gift for a precious child of His.You are awesome!!!We love you so much!!!We would love to have you here with us but we know that our Papa God has work for you to do for His kingdom.He couldn’t have picked a better young lady to give this assignment to.On another note has Michelle told you that Todd and Sterling had some car issues last Friday?Yes your brother-in-law ran into the preacher on E. Brainerd road so Michelle says that the front and back bumpers are in the bad seat well let me change that what is left of the bumpers is in the back seat.I guess since it was your car it has issues you know.Well I better go.I love you so much!!!Keep up the wonderful blogs.Hopefully we can talk soon.Merry Christmas Love you!!!
You never cease to amaze me, girl! Not only are you Ms. Martha Stewart of South Asia (throwing dinner parties and coming up with new recipes on the spot), but you are also a translator, a tour guide, a playwright, an actor and director, a psalmist, a (fake) mountain climber, a (fake) donkey rider, and a wheeler-dealer who knows how to use her femininity to get a good price on a hotel room!
You are loads of fun to know, to read about and to be around as you adventure through this land where God has called you. But more importantly, you are an inspiration to so many people who see Jesus shining through your life. Your overwhelming desire to share the love of God with others and your amazing ability to see daily encounters as God-ordained appointments inspire me, but also convict me. It reminds me that we are all called to share the good news wherever we are, and we are to look for those opportunities. I heard the other day that Nigeria has started sending “m”s to the U.S. Wow, isn’t that amazing to think about? We have churches on almost every street corner, but God is calling people from foreign countries to spread the gospel here in a country that has strayed away from its foundation – the Word of God. Thank you, Jenn, for constantly reminding us to look on things that are eternal instead of temporal.
I wanted to let you know that I may not be able to get to my computer for a few days since I’m having surgery on my knee tomorrow. I don’t know if I will be able to get down the stairs at my house to read your blogs. However, I will be praying to you every day. By the way, I mailed your Christmas package on November 20th. The post office said it would take about 10 business days to get to Nepal, so it should be there by now. I hope you receive it soon.
Keep shining radiantly for Him!
Love you bunches,
Jenn! You are awesome and I am so glad that you are staying so busy. I want you to know that I love the Dalmatian Dog. What is her/his name? When I was a little girl we had several Dalmatian Puppies. I told someone once that we got a Damnation dog. I was very young, but I got in trouble and didn’t know why! Ha! I want you to know that I love the idea of the ring that you had made for yourself. I think that is so neat!
Also I want you to know that I love the picture of the Greyhound Bus. I had no idea that other countries had Gray Hound buses also. We just love all the pictures! I mailed you a Christmas package this week There is something very special in it from TJ. . I sure hope you get it before Christmas. My students at school have been learning about Winter Holiday’s around the world. We looked at Diwali this week and I thought how I wish I could ask Jenn some questions about this Holiday. I also learned about JunKanoo this week. It is a holiday in the Bahamas. I have learned as much as my students. Hanukkah is going on right now and my students have learned about Christmas in other countries also. Well, I’m on school time, so I guess I better got get back to work. Love ya, Momma Ellis
the cane did have a good effect. I thought you had been treeking. I was so glad to talk to you last night. It made my week. I love you girlie, and I love reading what is going on with you
Hi, its so nice to meet you and thanks for stoping buy I am gald my Christmas tree made you feel happy ,it’s so hard to be away from home these time of year. But you are a blessing going out into the world to be a missionay. Seeing people and places I will never see wow!! and most of all planting a seed of Jesus!You are beautiful in the body of Christ. Hope to get to know you.marina