an incredible time in the mountains and more :-)

mahima… When I look at the heavens, the moon and the stars and the work of Gods hands.. i cannot help but cry MAHIMA (i think i just made up my own psalm). So I have had a crazy busy week, but a great one as I mentioned before, with my friends staying here this week. So we decided on a whim to go up to the mountains by bus to Pokara on Thursday. So we were told it was a four hour bus ride.. note to anyone planning on traveling in nepal. If a nepalee tells you four hours, translate that into 7 or 8.. always 🙂 hehehe.. so we rode 7 hours on a bus to spend one night someplace. but it was COMPLETLY worth it! It was the most beuatiful drive.. and we stopped at some of the funniest places to go to the bathroom. Life is never dull serving God I will tell you what! So we got to Pokara and before dark got in a rickety old boat with a “driver” (rower) who when I asked him in nepalee what his name was he grinned and said danger. hehhee.. but from this boat we saw the most incredible sunset over the beuatiful himilayan mountains that i have ever seen. Our God is an AMAZING creator. And yet he takes the time to know me by name.. and to call me by name with the same voice that spoke the Himilayan mountains into being.. wow!
So after our boat ride we went and had dinner and tried to find a hotel room. I loved speaking nepalee and using it to my benefit.. i gave my best wink and nepalee spill to one of the hotel guys and got us a good price. After eating we walked around for a while, and then found out the bus only leaves at 7:30 am so we would have to leave the next morning.. oh well.. ke garne.. what to do. So we rented a taxi the next morning to go up to the top of a hill so we could watch the sunrise. Wow.. what I saw literally took my breath away. I cannot wait to post pictures for you. it may take a while– but you have to see what I saw.. God is soooo good! So we saw the sunrise and barely caught our bus.. ( So many times I feel that I should pinch myself because i feel like I am in a crazy movie… it’s such a fun life) then we rode for 8 hours to get home.. crazy huh!
So then today several exciting things… oh yeah– while in pokara I got to share the gospel fully for the first time in Nepalee. It was awesome. I am so amazed at how God is miraculously giving me the ability to speak the language.
so this morning was a hilarous experience. Have you ever tried to direct a christmas play in a different language. Well this morning was our first practice and i must say quite a hilarious experience. . I wonder if it will turn out like the best/worst christmas pagent ever. Just pray that God uses it for his glory!
Then this afternoon was so exciting. We had gone back to the hospital where I had worked the first summer I was here this week to visit and invite them to come to my house for dinner tonight. So they all came and we had a blast. I made homemade vegetable soup.. but sandra i added the noodles that you sent me not realizing they were 3 cheese. it turned out to be the best soup i have ever eaten.. and chocholate chip cookies. The best part of the evening came when we decided we would act out the christmas story for them (they are hindu) and then let the one christian that works there read the christmas story in nepalee. It was the most hilarous version of the christmas story ever. I will include a picture of me acting as mary and the girl in white as an angel. the funniest part was when “mary rides on a donkey” and I borrowed Nathan’s dalmation asha to ride as a donkey. 🙂 Before they all left we handed out bibles to all of them. What a great night. I am very happy as I sit by my blinking christmas tree realizing that more then ever this year i am realizing the reason for the season. So I hope you are enjoying your christmas season. I am realizing it’s not about tradition alone, even though i cherish and love those things– it’s about the gift of a king coming as a babe in a manger.
love you
Oh Jenn! I wish you had some idea of what a blessing you are, and how proud I am of you!
Those pictures are awesome! Your mini devotional blew me away! How wonderful you go to share the Good News! Only in heaven will you know the amazing of your Journey.
Okay, so is the picture of the Christmas tree at your house? I’m gussing so since the dog is there? Only you would turn a dog into a donkey! This is the most unique Christmas play I’ve ever of! But when you allow Jenn or T.J. give directions we know what happens don’t we! lol. Post back or e-mail about the tree. Also where did the beautiful can come from is your knee hurting? Last question, who is the girl in the picture with you and Leah? I love you! Btw the way I’ve begun to update my blog again
cane not can I mean lol Heard of is what I meant to write, I hate when I typo.
Jenn…todd and I are at a coffeeshop downtown waiting to go to the imax movie.wahoo. we are so excited. You look beautiful in all your pictures. I am so proud of you. We are so proud of what God is doing through you. You are amazing. I can’t wait to update you on our amazing weekend soon.
I am so glad that you had a wonderful experince! I can’t wait to see the pictures that you took. Glad you made it back safely to your home. Love the puffy coat!
Jennifer oh Jennifer where are you… I haven’t been able to get ahold of you and I am worried about you. Call home ET”exta terrific”! We love you and miss talking to you! Mom