Graduation, praise and a great language class

Hey guys.. mostly i just wanted this post to show pics from our graduation. I had a blast. It was such an awesome thing to see those that the Lord had given me a chance to love on and pour into graduate. This is a huge deal because truly these students have given up everything to come to bible school and be trained in ministry for 3 years. Many of them tell stories of their parents disowning them, or not being able to tell their parents that they are in bible college. So since most of their parents weren’t able to be there.. i was defionatly their proud mama. I could not stop beaming at them! I love these students and am so suprised that God gave me this ministry that i have loved so much. I cannot wait until january when school starts back again and i get to teach. 🙂
So today again I just have to praise the Lord because I had such an awesome language class. He just reminds me it’s fun and a way to truly humble yourself like a child and learn. I had a blast with my teacher today and I got so excited becuz he always says TICK which means good.. but today after I got a hard concept he said EXDUM RHOMBRO.. which means excellent.. very very good. I know that’s a small thing.. but glory i just wanted to revel in it.. hehehe. i don’t think i’ve ever been so excited to get an exdum rhombro before.. ok.. so maybe i never have before 🙂
my exciting adventure for today.. my roomie and i went out to get takari (vegetables) for our dinner that she was cooking (she’s an awesome nepalee cook.. she usually does the nepalee cooking because i am not)… so the rainy season has stopped (glory) so we didn’t expect it to rain. But wow.. i’m talking rain like i’ve never seen rain.. so not only were people staring because i’m’ white.. but becuz i looked like a DROWNED rat. We ended up not getting to get veggies though because after walking in the pouring rain we got to this part where the rapids are (hiawassee here i come).. well a man hole had busted and there was literal sewer up past our calves.. it was at that point we decided to call it a day and go home. But it was such a fun moment between me and my roomie.. we laughed hysterically.. where else in the world can you wade through poop, be a drowned rat, and someone still ask if you will marry them and take them to america! (yup. this shopkeeper asked me as i walked by)
jenn, you are just precious! truly precious. the pics from graduation are just gorgeous! i love their smiling faces!! i know you are proud.
i laughed hard at the poop/marriage propsal story. that is just too much!!
Jennifer you look beautiful just like I knew you would. Who else but you would find something to paise about while walking through poop. You are amazing! It was so good to talk to you yesterday. Granddaddy is still not feeling good. He did go to the doctor & got some medicine. I bet a call from his precious granddaughter would cheer him up. I love you very much. Love, Mommy
I can always count on your blogs to make me laugh and to remind me to “consider it pure joy whenever we face trials.”
Your walk with the Lord epitomizes Hebrews 1:9 which says: “You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.”
The good news is – your “oil of joy” flows right off of you and onto the people who physically surround you and even through cyberspace. Your overflow has just greased us all up real good today! He, he, he.
I’m so thrilled about how well your language lessons are going. The Lord is truly answering our prayers. Since He’s the one who scrambled the languages at the Tower of Babel, who better than Him to unscramble a language that is foreign to you? Praise God for His faithfulness.
Thank you so much for posting the pictures. I love seeing your smiling face. You look so beautiful in your sari. Purple is definitely your color!
Love you bunches,
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Jenn: you always write a EXDUM RHOMBRO blog! If we really pay attention we may learn some nepal language also. ha! I look forward to reading your blog, because I never know what new adventure Jenn is going to come up with! ha! Now wadding through poop is a little more than i could take. ha!
Next time you post some pics, we want a picture of you and your roomie together and some of that nepal food that your roomie makes. We also want you to know that we will be praying about the new students that will be coming to your in Jan. as well as the girls taht just graduated. They all look so happy!
I am on fall break this week! I have enough catching up to do this week on things that I’ve let go! Well, off to bed! I guess you are just getting up! ha! Momma Ellis
You look beautiful Jenn! I can’t believe all the marriage propal’s that you are getting! I want to talk to you really bad. but haven’t been able to get the web cam yet. We love you and miss hearing your sweet voice and laugh. I guess Michelle told you about us and her and Todd going to the Marble Festival last weekend. We had a really good time at the parade! It was bad that Granddaddy was sick though. He still isn’t feeling good. He is going back to the doctor tomorrow he said. Kevin has to go to the gastologist tomorrow to set up an appointment for a colonostomy and a endostomy (sp). He is having burping (gas) problems. I’ll let you know what happens. We love you very much!!! The boys said to tell you hello.
You are amazing. I bet poop at Special friends camp seems mild now huh? lol. You look radiant in the pictures!
I wrote you a letter yesterday about Ester, I hope you’ll like… I am glad you and your roomie are bounding as much as you can. I just finished praying big time for a little bit ago. Have a great day! Love you!