A little different then Beth Moore :-)

Hello guys. I hope this post finds all you guys doing wonderful. Have I mentioned lately what an incredible blessing you are in my life? I just had an incredible week at the ladies conference in Banglaroe. Thank you so much for the prayers you sent up for us.. it was awesome and incredible privilidge handed to me from the Lord. This was my first oppertunity to speak at a conference not to “American ladies”. It was defionatly different then your typical beth moore ladies conference… but amazing. God brought us the most incredibly beautiful women. Most of these women had never been to anything like this, never had an oppertunity to. Most of the ladies traveled for hours, even days to get to this conference. Some of the ladies could not come because it rained and they had to work in the fields.. That doesn’t happen at beth mooore much huh? I am amazed at the promise of God that every tribe tounge and language will be represented before his throne someday. At this conference alone, there were at least 7 different languages spoken.. that makes for an interesting communication experience. Most of these ladies were from villages and very poor. There were people there from Assam, Burma and all over India. They had experienced hardships that I could not even begin to imagine, persecutions that we don’t even fathom in america. But these women loved Jesus with their whole heart. I was thinking, what in the world do I have to share with these women? They have walked such different lives then me… but I realized some things are universal. So I proclaimed to them the joyful truths that God has proclaiimed to me.. that they are beautiful princesses of the king of king. I also got to share with them about putting on the full armor of God. My favorite session was when I got to speak to all the unmarried women there. We sang praise and worship in many different languages and dialects. It was not unusual for a session to be interuppted with some exciting event like a kid having diarhea all over the floor. The women would gather around us as soon as session was over to grab our hands and place them on there heads and want us to pray for them and bless them. Most of them I could not communicate with, but communicating the love of God through holding their beautiful hands speaks volumes. God spoke volumes to me, and I felt so overwhelmed by this oppertuity. I was so blessed by the team of ladies that let me be on there team and I will never forget this experience. Our God is awesome. So when you are at church today (or I guess tomorow for you) don’t forget that God is a God of the nations, and pray for the women around the world who struggle with the same heart issues women do, but may walk completely different lives. I am leaving for thailand tonight, hanging out with the people that run the Bible college we worked with until then. I will talk to you later 🙂
Jenn: WOW! Love the pics! You look beautiful and I love the pink outfit. The little girl that you had your picture made with is so sweet. She is just darling. As I was reading your post I was thinking how blessed we are here in USA, and we don’t even realize it. Have a safe trip to Thailand. I mailed you a package this morning so maybe you will get it about the time you get home. Your in my thoughts every day and I am still praying for you. Love, Momma Ellis
Hi sweetie!
You are no doubt overwhemed by all this. God is so big! I love love love the pics!!!! I will write more later. Headed out to church. I love you! Have a restful vacation!
I was just talking to you and we got cut off. I am very excited about some surpises that I have planned for you. I had a long talk with Sandra today. You are beatiful as always. enjoy the beach! TALK SOON… lOVE YOU!
Jenn..wow….you look amazing. radiant. I love seeing you surrounded by all those women. I am dying to talk to you and hear every detail. don’t get so busy being pampered in thailand that you don’t call your sis and let me know all about it. I am so sso proud of you. You are incredible. I love you so much!
Jenn..wow….you look amazing. radiant. I love seeing you surrounded by all those women. I am dying to talk to you and hear every detail. don’t get so busy being pampered in thailand that you don’t call your sis and let me know all about it. I am so sso proud of you. You are incredible. I love you so much!
I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I checked your website Sunday morning and saw that you had posted a new entry on your blog. I didn’t have time to read it though because my three-year-old grandson (who spent the night) was upstairs calling me. I was just so relieved to know your whereabouts, and I gave thanks to God that you were safe. Now that I’ve had time to read this entry, I am praising God even more for all of the marvelous ways He is using you there.
This morning before I read your blog, I’d been bemoaning the fact that I’m being persecuted at my office for my stand for the Lord. I’ve felt very sad because I don’t like it when people don’t like me. I’ve always, always struggled with being a people-pleaser.
After I read about the ladies at the conference and how they have been persecuted for their faith in ways I can’t fathom, I felt convicted for feeling sorry for myself because my coworkers aren’t as friendly towards me.
Thank you for helping me put things in perspective.
I’m praying that those ladies at the conference understand how incredibly loved by God they are as evidenced by the fact that He sent women from around the world to minister to them and to encourage them. What a privilege you have to bring them tidings of great joy.
I hope you have a wonderful vacation blessed with lots of intimate moments with your Lord and King.
Love and prayers,
Jenn, Please post and let us know when you arrive safely! I love you!
Oh Jenn, you look so amazing! I love your pink outfit!! As I look at your picture I can’t believe that just a few short years ago you were dying to go to your desired country, and now you are there. All those times that you expressed how you didn’t understand why you were directed back to the states for a few more years, maybe the Lord needed you to touch a few more people…like me. You are such a blessing. More than you will ever know.
BEAUTIFUL! i’ve been out of town, and what a refreshment to read your posts. jenn, you’re a beautiful child of the KING! you SO look like you’re totally in your element as you are teaching these women – even women who don’t speak your language. God be praised that HE can still show them His love. how awesome!
my cousins work for IJM in bangalore! just had to tell you that…:)