slumber and swimming

Well I had an awesome weekend. It was hilarious to have all the girls over. We had a blast. We set up the projector in my living room (thankfully and suprisingly we had electricity) and we watched the movie End of the spear. We had a great discussion after that about what it looks like to GIVE everything to serve your king!
So breakfast was fun.. hehehe.. although as I supsected they could not imagine the concept of not having rice at a meal so they kept asking as they chowed down on the pancakes, donuts and banana bread where is the rice! I took all of them to the international english church service that i go to on sunday .. that also was quite fun! Then.. we went swimming. IT was the most hilarious experience ever. I think my mom remembers how when i was unsure of how to swim I would hang on her and just giggle but yet not want her to let me go. Well imagine it is the first time for 13 girls to swim.. and a pool full of black skinned people and one white blonde hair blue eyed girl with 13 girls hanging.. literally on her asking her to help them swim. IT was awesome. They had a ball.. and I laughed as 13 adult women clung to me like a mom! 🙂 (and believe me everyone at the pool was staring– you can sure get a complex here)
Then.. after returning it was my turn to have our house fellowship of Americans that we have every sunday night at my house.. so i made spaghetti and cupcakes for 18.. whew.. what a cooking weekend.
Fellowship was amazing. We had an incredible time of worship together and communion– before communion we actually had a time of public confessing in prayer. I don’t see that to often, but it was so refreshing as we openly shared with eachother and God the reasons that we needed the body and the blood of Christ. It was amazing to be in a room full of “workers” who have left everything and everyone they know for the cause and break the body of Christ together. How beautiful is the body of Christ!! I was crying as we sing how great is our God, but I amazed at how much more I see the greatness of God when I am looking at him through the lens of the ideas of those who worship millions of dead idols! What a mighty graceful savior .. ok.. well .. GLORY!
OH ME! There is a cat in one of those pictures! Got to get to school to see my wonderful 1st graders. ha! I’ll write more later….Moma Ellis
You are awesome. What can’t you cook in a toaster oven and a burner. I can just picture you with girls hanging all over you knowing that they are safe with you. Now you know how I felt with you and Michelle hanging on me. All I can say is you are awesome! Love you lots!!!
Wow. It is so exciting to see pictures of you. I am so amazed at how much God is using you. That swimming pool looked pretty clean, was it? You might come back to America some day and take over Martha Stuart’s job! Maybe you should write a toaster oven cookbook.
I love you, and I’m praying for you every day