mountains and more

Hey guys! Thanks so much for praying because i did get to go to the mountainse! I cannot tell you how exciting it was to breath clean air. Wow. It was amazing. I just wanted to bottle it up and bring it back here. So you should see the road that got us up there. I was praying about halfway up that all of us in the car, especially the driver were right with Jesus because.. wow! CRAZY roads.. basically at some points no road. But anyways– we were the only guests at this huge hotel so they treated us like queens and we had a great time. I enjoyed getting up to watch the sunrise with Jesus.. There is a picture on here from where we were, and a picture from where we ate our breakfast. We are so high up.. don’t be decieved.. we aer not in an airplane first class!
The top picture is of me with our youngest orphan.. she is 2 and the cutest thing ever. The other pics are of me and the oprhans. One of them they are not smiling because they don’t undestand the concept of smiling in pictures– generally nepalees stop smiling when you go to take a picture.
The rest of the weekend was spent showing the two from bangladesh around. I can’t believe they entrusted me with my horrible sense of direction to them.. but we didn’t get lost or anything so it was all good. The best part of being around them– talking to them made me realize how much I have come to love this country and the people God has given to me. They are my people.. (side note: What a ministry having a nep. roommate is. She has pink eye and is little sick right now, and she just came so cutely and jenn didi will you pray for me. Now what a blessing that is! ) For the time this is where God has called me to be, who God has called me to be. I’m learning not to get overwhelmed with tommorow, but to rest in the present joy the Lord is offering me!
i love you all
girl, i am LOVING reading about your days over there. praise God for what’s He’s doing!!
jenn-you have never looked more beautiful. You look so beautiful in all those pics. It is starting to feel like fall outside here, and I am telling you it makes me come alive. so i know the mountains made you come alive. I wish I could have been there with you, was it as good as our time at the whitestone inn? I love you dearie, and I sent you a really long email!
You look so radiant in the pictures posted on this blog! I am so happy you had the opportunity to go to the mountains and to enjoy the fresh air and the sunrise with Jesus. What a gorgeous view!
I hope the fresh air helped clear up your cough and that you feel rested and rejuvenated. You certainly look it.
T.J. did an awesome job at church last night. She gave such a moving testimony, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the church. You would have been so proud of her. What a blessing she is to all of us.
I feel particularly blessed to know her because (A) she is an awesome person, and (B) because she introduced me to you. I feel so privileged to be able to share in your journey to S. Asia. I pray God brings you a multitude of blessings and an abundance of opportunities to share the love of Jesus this week.
Much love,
Hi Jenn
Love the pictures!! They are all so beautiful! Is there anythign you or any of them need? Let me know
Brandi Meadows
Jenn: I love the pics. oh the children are so very sweet, and you look so beautiful and happy with them. The mountains look great! I know you loved the view and I’m so happy that you got to go and get some fresh air. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. love, Madeline
Hey sister,
I love You! So sorry you were so very sick Sunday. I love your pictures. Sandra Rose is sweet. I’ll be praying for you hugs I do plan to write soon.
i’m reading your blogs for the first time, and i just want you to know you are amazing… your pictures are beautiful, and i love to hear your stories and know how to pray… i love you so so so much!!!