cooking, language and more…
Hey guys. You guys amaze me at your faithfulness to read this blog. Wow. it is really humbling and i really appreciate it.. all of your comments make me feel continued to be connected to home.
Well yesterday I had my first fellowship at my house with other “m’s” and it was great fun. The best part was trying to figure out how to cook for them. I went to what semi resembles a grocery store (more like a slightly larger mini mart) and tried to buy things that might make chili.. hehehe.. what ended up happening was a slightly meatier version of spaghetti sauce made from buffulo meat.. but we called it chili and they ate it anyways. Making desert was hilarious to.. have you ever made a cake in a toaster oven.. when the electricity goes off at leaves 3 times in the middle.. i have now. Have you ever made oatmeal choch. candy without most of the ingridents on a gas burner.. i have.. and people ate them… meato cha (delicious in nepalee).
So tonight I went with the lady from the hospital where I worked last time who had accepted christ and is now in bible college to a worship service at her bible college. Again the beauty of these christians blew me away. What a worship service. I had tears streaming down my face as I watched them who have chosen to give it all for christ worship wtih such Joy! I heard the Lord say to me.. I did not call you here because I need you to gather worshippers for me.. I called you here to worship me!! Whew. God is teaching me alot about true worship. It’s not about singing the right praise song, organ or no organ, contemporary or not.. it’s about falling at the throne of grace with confidence and realizing that we serve a God who is the name of ALL names. I cannot wait to see what worship in heaven in like.. because it’s sure fun here!
I start official language lessons tommorow. My friend Sita that I mentioned before has been coming and teaching me informally about 3 hours 3 days a week and that will continue also. She has become quite an awesome friend. I am throwing her a birthday party on saturday. 🙂
tommorow night i am having dinner with a family that i met last time i was here.. pray for that.
i love you guys. I am praying for you.
Awesome posts Jenn! Thanks so much for all the details. I have laughed and cried and praised and worshipped while reading them. Can’t wait to be there and laugh and cry and praise and worship with you! Love, Leah
Hi Jenn! I hope you cook better than you feed people lol. I am so proud of you, and always so excited to hear the lastest. So many people are lifting you up chick! Sorry I haven’t e-mailed in the last couple days. Do you have a postal address yet? If so please send it to mom she is driving me nuts asking me for it! I love you! Oh I’m sure the worship there is more like the worship will be in heaven than it is here.
Your cooking experience sounds sorta like mine and Michelle’s last night. We covered the walls in flour and grease..haha. Good luck starting your language. Love ya sister! ~ Katybug
Jenn-It was so great to talk to you. I love you love you love you. You are still my best friend even on the other side of the world! Keep up the crazy cooking experiments, it is no different than what you did in america. No one could ever pin you down to a recipe. I love you
YOu are awsome. I could sense the Holy Spirit in you writings. I get cold chills. You are truly an angel.
Hey, Jennifer Dawn! Cooking in Nepal, huh? I can only imagine. Sounds like 100xs more fun that you, Michelle, and I making bread in the US…and I have to say that was pretty dadgum fun. 🙂 I am so excited to hear how the Lord is using you to bring His joy and life to His people! Love you tons!!!!! jules