birthday party success and more……
So yesterday I had my first birthday party for a nepalee. It was an incredible time. And believe it or not.. the chocholate cake was actually eadible..(i don’t think that’s the way you spell that). You can see a picture of me and the homemade choch. cake and the birthday girl.. blowing out her one candle in the center. It was so much fun to see how excited she was to have a birthday party– apparently that’s not normal here. By the way– if someone that’s nepalee ever tells you that they invited 5 people and that 5 people are coming.. expect 20.. because there were 16 people here to eat. 🙂 It was hilarous because I do not speak enough nepalee.. and they don’t speak english.. so what do you do at a birthday party? Well I decided to teach them to play spoons.. trying to explain it in my alle alle (very little nepalee) was hilarous … but it worked and we had a BLAST. There is also a picture of them playing spoons.
I am doing really well. God is teaching me soo much and these past two days have been awesome. Worship at nep. church was incredible. It’s just so awesome to see them worship the king, even in an unknown language to. I am truly learning to praise without words. 🙂 I had my first real shower today. I figured out (with nathans’ wonderful help) that we did have enough running water for my shower.. i just wasn’t pushing the right knobs.. hehhe.. living here is completely humbling experience. It’s like being a child again…. however, I didn’t care to be humbled as I ENJOYED so much my first shower since I have been here (bucket baths just aren’t the same)

Hi Jenn ~ I absolutely LOVE you blog posts. THank you for sharing your heart and the details of your day. I am there with you in Spirit and living it out through you! What a blessing you are…but mostly you are JOY! Just remember, you don’t have to “say” anything. Wherever you go HE goes and just your presence is His presence and allows HIM to do what He wants to do. It’s a Spirit thing! 🙂 You are awesome and I’m sharing your blog/newsletters with friends! You truly are a Light, because you are filled with the Light of the World.
Much love, grace & peace to you…
we love your blog! the newsletter you sent out was wonderful. I am so glad that you are finding the time to even keep us updated. please keep us posted. We are going to get Michelle over here sometime and you all can see and talk to each on TJ’s webcam. Moma Ellis
It is Monday morning and I begin my day by reading your blog. This is my morning inspiration with God. YOu may be in S.A. but your spirit is teaching us over here. The work you are doing is awsome and I know it takes alot for someone to be doing what you are doing. May the Spirit of God guide your footsteps and keep you safe.
Keep smiling….:)
I love you, and am praying lots. You remind me of a female Moses kind of.
Hi Jenn,
Thank you so much for these blogs. I’m so excited everytime I see a new posting. Everyone was asking about you in Sunday School yesterday, so T.J. and I shared some of the wonderful lessons God has taught you during your first two weeks in S.A. You may not be able to speak the language there, but you certainly are speaking volumes to all of us who love you and are praying for you.
Isn’t it amazing to consider that in God’s economy, He can take lessons He is teaching you in your day-to-day walk with Him and spread them across the world in just a matter of hours!
I think it is awesome that you are sharing the joy of celebrating a birthday with your new friends in S.A. You may become the “birthday party queen” now that they’ve seen how much fun it is. I pray this act of love on your part will pave the way for them to know how special they are to God and that they’ll come to understand that He has had a plan for their lives from the day they were born.
Thanks again for the blog posts. Keep them coming!
Love, Sandra Rose
Dear Jenn,
I wittnessed your increable
running and testamony in WALK#12.
I was at the table of Ruth. I thank God for you always for you are in my heart and prayers daily!
I have shared your wonderful spirit filled wittness with my Sunday school class and many others.
I even say GLORY often. May God keep you in HIS care and let you feel the support you have from so many here in the states. Your are indeed A Child of THE KING! Martha Miles-Rockwood Tn.